[ale] OT: sync iPod with Sunbird Calendar (sortof)

Nathan J. Underwood ale1 at cybertechcafe.net
Wed Mar 23 14:06:10 EST 2005


I put the script(s) in the Calendars/ directory on the iPod.  That way, 
regardless of the OS that I'm plugging the iPod up to, I can just click 
on it (from there) and it'll run.  I've gotta find a way to get the 
first line to work (normally #!/bin/bash, but different depending on 
which OS you're using).  It 'looks for' the files it needs (cp, mv), 
which will hopefully give it a little bit of flexibility.

registered linux user # 73046

Nathan J. Underwood
nathan.underwood at cybertechcafe.net
Proverbs 16:11

Nathan J. Underwood wrote:
> Everyone,
>     First, a couple of notes.  This is a work in progress, and isn't 
> meant to be a be-all / end-all (basically, no flames please).  Second, 
> it's OT, probably could get the 'very OT' stamp without too much of a 
> stretch.  Third, it's (in it's current state) for a Windoze environment 
> running cygwin, but it should be pretty easy to tweak it a bit so that 
> it's usable on anything that'll run bash.
>     Now, to the good stuff.  I recently (Sunday) broke down and bought 
> an iPod.  After opening the box and tinkering with it a bit, I found 
> that it supports iCal, so I was off to try to find a way to get it to 
> sync with my Mozilla Calendar (plugin for the Firefox browser).  Suffice 
> it to say, I didn't find much, so I started looking for a way to do it 
> on my own, and came up with this little solution.
> switch.bat -> simply a batch file telling it to run this in bash
> update.sh -> a bash script that checks for the existence of a 
> calendar.ics file, and backs it up (*moves it to calendar.ics.old), and 
> then downloads (using wget & ftp) the calendar file from an ftp server.
>     I realize that this is probably pretty elementary for most of the 
> coding guru's out there, but it's pretty functional for me, and I 
> thought maybe someone else could use it.
> * move rather than copy because I'm using wget to download the actual 
> calendar file, and wget doesn't want to overwrite the original
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