[ale] editing variables in bash (or shell)

Fletch fletch at phydeaux.org
Sat Mar 12 00:01:12 EST 2005

>>>>> "Asif" == Asif E <asifem at gmail.com> writes:

    Asif> Maybe dest_file_name=`echo $src_file_name | sed 's%/%-%g'`

Of course if you use zsh this can all be done without the backticks,
echo, and sed.

lemur:~ 715> foo="/a/b/c"
lemur:~ 716> echo ${${foo:s,/,,}:gs,/,-,}

See 'man zshexpn' for details.

Fletch                | "If you find my answers frightening,       __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org|  Vincent, you should cease askin'          \ o.O'
                      |  scary questions." -- Jules                =(___)=
                      |                                               U

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