[ale] ANNOUNCE: ALE-NE - 7:30 PM - August 4, 2005 : Peachtree Linux with David Cantrell

Michael Still stillwaxin at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 15:11:20 EDT 2005

NOTE:  Both NE and Central will have the same talk this month
(August).   This announcement is for NE, the Central meeting is at the
regular time and place.

7:30 PM - August 4, 2005 : Peachtree Linux with David Cantrell

An Atlanta native, David Cantrell graduated from the Georgia Institute
of Technology with a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science.  In the
professional world, David has worked for BSDi on the Slackware Linux
project and for IDG as a technical editor.  He currently works as a
software engineer at Internet Security Systems.

Outside of work, David volunteers at the Fulton chapter of the Metro
Atlanta Red Cross.  He has done volunteer work for Free Bytes, N.P. and
for PeopleTV.

He has been using Linux almost exclusively since 1996.  He is the
founder of the Peachtree Linux distribution, which encourages users to
solve problems in new and unique ways.

Peachtree Linux is a new Linux distribution for the technical or
developer-oriented user.  Peachtree Linux is not "based on" any other
distribution.  Everything was constructed from scratch.  The main
objective of Peachtree Linux is to build a portable, fast, and somewhat
lightweight Linux distribution.  The project works to solve existing
Linux problems in new ways.  Peachtree Linux is not for everyone and the
project is not aiming to become the largest distribution in the world.
If you are a developer or a user who enjoys the technical aspects of the
distribution, Peachtree Linux might be something of interest to you.

The project began in 2002 and made its first public release in March of
2005.  Codenamed "Atlanta", Peachtree Linux was downloaded by at least
two dozen people.  Out next release (codename "Smyrna") is slated for
sometime at the end of this year.

http://www.ale.org/NorthEast/ (website may not have latest info)

[stillwaxin at gmail.com ~]$ cat .signature
cat: .signature: No such file or directory
[stillwaxin at gmail.com ~]$

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