[ale] OT?: Slow web access

Jeffrey B. Layton laytonjb at charter.net
Wed Jul 27 10:40:23 EDT 2005

Good morning,

   I'm not sure if this is off-topic, so I apologize if it is.
I've got a CentOS 4.0 box that sits behind a wireless
router, but I have the box networked to the router using
a cable (haven't learned wireless on Linux yet :)  ).
When I go to a website, it takes a long time and I get
the 'Resolving Host' message at the bottom of the
browser window. The Windows boxes that are connected
to the router via wireless never really see this problem.
   I've disabled iptables on the box using chkconfig (first
thought that popped into my head). Internally the wireless
router is My CentOS box is
and I set the GATEWAY to I also checked
resolv.conf and it looks like,


and the main part of nsswitch.conf looks like,

passwd:     files
shadow:     files
group:      files

hosts:      files dns

but /etc/hosts does not have in it, only localhost
and the box.
   Any ideas why I have such a delay?



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