[ale] Intel to cut Linux out of the content market

Grant Robertson f.grant.robertson at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 14:29:52 EDT 2005

I interviewed him in episode #10 of my podcast. John is a really great guy.


We talk a bit about what caused him to start Magnatune, his goals for
the label, the average selling price of an album (Magnaune has a "name
your price" model where you can pay as little as $5 for a CD worth of
music. )

On magnatune, check out C Layne, Lisa DeBenedictis, Four Stones,
Williamson, The West Exit.. and probably 4 or 5 I forgot. Great label,
and a really great idea.

Oh, and check out the Magnatune remix contest.. http://ccmixter.org/


On 7/25/05, lyric hartley <leeslist at gmail.com> wrote:
> I second the magnatune.com recommendation...you would likely find the
> founder's bio interesting too...as I recall he said he wanted to be
> the linux of the music industry...they definitely seem worth
> supporting

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