[ale] Nvidia 7667 and SUSE 9.3 kernel update

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Jul 18 16:57:25 EDT 2005

Paul Cartwright wrote:
>   I recently did a YOU update for my SUSE 9.3 system. One of the 
> updates was a kernel to When I installed that 
> update and reran the nvidia installer for the latest driver, 7667, 
> when I rebooted I came up to the command line, X was not running. WHen 
> I tried to startx, it gave me an error and it seems the new kernel 
> does not recognize my dell M782 monitor. So I had to back out and go 
> back to the 4-20a kernel.
> any words of wisdom or other ideas??? I have an 
> NVidia GEforce2 MX/mx 400 video card.

Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.  I don't understand why a kernel 
update would affect the OS recognizing the monitor.  Did it touch your X 
config file?  If so, I'd try backing up the config file, update the 
kernel, then replace the config file.

What was the specific error you received?

Until later, Geoffrey

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