[ale] Fedora scsi module ("dig" usage)

Bob Toxen transam at verysecurelinux.com
Mon Jul 18 02:16:37 EDT 2005

On Sun, Jul 17, 2005 at 09:04:23PM -0400, Jun Wan wrote:
> I remember that I can use 'dig' to query name server. Can anyone give
> me some example?
A better usage of 'dig' is:

     dig hostname any

such as:

     dig cnn.com any

That will cause all records to be listed, not just the "A" (address)
records.  Thus, you'll see the "MX" (mail exchange) records, etc.  Gee,
so that's why M$ named their mail server MS Exchange.

> Thank you!

> Jun

Bob Toxen
bob at verysecurelinux.com               [Please use for email to me]
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Quality Linux & UNIX security and SysAdmin & software consulting since 1990.

"Microsoft: Unsafe at any clock speed!"
   -- Bob Toxen 10/03/2002

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