[ale] I think my port 25 might be blocked.

Trey Sizemore trey at fastmail.fm
Mon Jan 31 16:54:37 EST 2005

How can I tell if port 25 on my machine is blocked?  I can send e-mail
from using Evolution and kmail without incident, but sylpheed-claws
gives me an error connecting to the smtp server.  I've verified that the
smtp server info is correct.  It does not require authorization.  Using
telnet to try to connect to the port yields:

linux:/home/trey/sylpheed-claws # telnet localhost 25
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused

I don't have a firewall enabled.  Where in suse do I check this out?

Thanks for any ideas.

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