[ale] Py[h]hon syntax (sic)

Christopher Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Wed Jan 26 12:24:12 EST 2005

Great points.

Can someone tell me what toolkit RedHat used for the python based
installation program?   Is it avaialable for perl?  I need to do some
configuration stuff for our servers that can be ran on the serial
console port.  

On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 12:12, Benjamin Scherrey wrote:
> uh... read it again six months after you wrote it and understand what 
> the heck it does? :)
>     Perl really does excel as a scripting language for processing files 
> of text, especially using regular expressions. That's its original 
> purpose and, sticking to that scope, I couldn't argue conclusively for 
> another language over it. However, python and ruby, while perhaps 
> introduced as scripting languages, are really full fledged and elegant 
> high level application development languages that are purposely written 
> to develop complex and powerful applications beyond scripts and admin 
> tasks. Perl has a gazzillion majic symbols that one must remember to do 
> anything complex with and there are more (correct!) ways to approach a 
> given task than there are perl programmers so consistency of code 
> amongst a group of programmers (even with the group size==1!) is almost 
> never found. Even in respect to its regular expression abilities, the 
> new version of python is as expressive and as efficient so, in the area 
> where perl once stood above all others, it has not maintained its dominance.
>     Without trying to engage in a language war I think the question you 
> pose is not the right one. Given enough mastery of any given programming 
> language I could make the same assertion of being capable of 
> accomplishing almost any task. Does that mean all languages are equally 
> functional or expressive? Certainly not. It really should be which 
> language is the right tool for a particular job. Perl was designed for a 
> particular job and does it well. Outside of that scope, however, perl 
> shows its shortcomings pretty rapidly. Just because something *can* be 
> done using a given language doesn't mean its a good idea.
>     For me, C++ and python cover the full breath of any programming 
> project I've ever encountered or conceived of. Yet, to this day, each 
> time I approach a new programming task I always try to identify what 
> languages are best suited for that task if only to identify what idioms 
> or patterns might best be used to attack the problem at hand. Each 
> language has its own particular idioms that drive its best use and can 
> teach us things about problem solving even when we may not end up using 
> that particular language in the final solution. That is why one should 
> learn as many languages as one can - it makes you more expressive.
>     -- Ben Scherrey
> Christopher Fowler wrote:
> >I'm finding that I can accomplish almost any task in Perl that I want. 
> >Only problem is that it is not fully OOP.  Other than OOP what can you
> >do in say Ruby or Python that you can not do in Perl?
> >
> >  
> >

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