[ale] Perl Split Question

Keith R. Watson keith.watson at gtri.gatech.edu
Thu Jan 20 16:23:20 EST 2005

At 16:11 1/20/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>At 15:33 1/20/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>>Is there a way to use split to split a string into segments of N
>>characters.  I want to automatically wrap a long text string onto
>>multiple lines.
>>Ale mailing list
>>Ale at ale.org
>Assuming your not doing word wrapping in Perl
>#!c:\perl\bin\perl.exe -w
>use strict;
>my $string ='1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i';
>my $string_length = length ($string);
>my $segment_size = 3;
>my $segment;
>for (my $offset = 0; $offset <= $string_length; $offset += $segment_size) {
>    $segment = substr ($string, $offset, $segment_size);
>    print ($segment, "\n");

This is much better. I should have checked the FAQ before I wrote the code.

use the Text::Wrap package.



Keith R. Watson                        GTRI/ISD
Systems Support Specialist III         Georgia Tech Research Institute
keith.watson at gtri.gatech.edu           Atlanta, GA  30332-0816

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