[ale] Cut me some slack...

Jim Philips jimmyc at speedfactory.net
Wed Jan 19 19:20:03 EST 2005

On Wednesday 19 January 2005 06:37 pm, Benjamin Scherrey wrote:

>     First, uname -i & -p are not working - they return 'unknown'. This
> is on an Athlon box so maybe it has something to do with the processor.
> This is pretty important for building gcc and a lot of other
> configure-based source distributions. Someone mentioned something about
> a new coreutils package on IRC but I've got the latest one according to
> the slackware site.

I get the same thing, but I also have an AMD processor.

>     Second, the ANNOUNCE.10_0 claims that Slackware comes with a 2.6
> kernel option but the directory it wants me to look into simply doesn't
> exist. Er... ok well now (as I type) I finally got a google link that
> points me to an article that points me to the right location. This is an
> example where wrong docs are worse than no docs at all it seems... we'll
> see how that goes!

The first place to look for the location of files is always "filelist.txt". It 
will be in the top directory of every Slackware release. The 2.6 kernels were 
in "testing".

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