[ale] KDE help needed

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Thu Jan 13 17:06:19 EST 2005

On Thursday 13 January 2005 03:58 pm, Sean Kilpatrick wrote:
> Upgraded from RH9 to FC3.
> Went from KDE 3.0 to KDE 3.3.1
> With the older version of Konky it was possible to
> toggle whether or not to show the hidden (dot) files
> and, if displayed, they appeared at the end of the
> directory listing.

In 3.2.3 it is still under "View" in the drop down menus.

> Now they appear at the top.
> I have looked everywhere I can think of and I can not
> find a place to toggle OFF showing hidden files.
> Does anyone know where this toggle is hidden?
> Failing that is there anyway to get them pushed to the
> bottom of the directory listing?

Which view mode are you using? Unintuitive, but sometimes how they were last 
sorted under a previous mode will effect how they sort in the current one, 
which may lack a choice.

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