[ale] Time issue

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Jan 12 16:32:15 EST 2005

Jerald Sheets wrote:
> There was a pile of "time" issues recently with the RH
> family (EL, FC, etc.) in kernel, ntpd, permissions on
> /etc/localtime, yada yada.
> I'm in a kernel-level lock and a feature-level lock,
> and can't apply anything but security patches as
> suggested by the application vendor.  
> their recommendation was to turn on ntp.
> Were I to kernel upgrade or anything else....WHACKO! 
> unsupported.
> Band aid, yes.
> Problematic, yes.
> Required, yes.

Fair enough, but I would recommend someone use the same solution without 
researching why this suddenly happened.  You are restricted by your 
vendor as well as have some insight into the issue.  I've not heard of 
any time issues with kernels of late, thus I'd still recommend some 

Until later, Geoffrey

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