[ale] Linux router help needed......again

Christopher Coleman coleman at atlanta.nsc.com
Tue Jan 11 11:41:39 EST 2005

In the config file you add the following line:

option router

Replace the IP address with the actual address of your gateway.

Jim Seymour wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 10:49:54AM -0500, Christopher Coleman wrote:
>>First thought: use ipconfig on the Windows box and check the settings 
>>assigned by the DHCP server. Make sure you have the correct subnet mask 
>>and default gateway settings assigned.

Chris Coleman
National Semiconductor		Fax:   770-903-1827
500 Pinnacle Court Suite 525   	Phone:770-903-1820
Norcross, GA 30071		email: coleman at atlanta.nsc.com

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