[ale] running proftpd as a child of xinetd

David A. De Graaf dad at datix.2y.net
Mon Feb 28 22:43:39 EST 2005

On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 06:41:50PM -0500, joh6nn wrote:
> hey all, i'm trying to run proftpd (1.2.10) as a child of xinetd 
> (2.3.13), and not making much progress.  i've had proftpd successfully 
> running as a standalone for a while, so i know i have a working .conf 
> for that.  i switched the ServerType over to inetd already, so that 
> shouldn't be it either
> my proftpd conf for xinetd (which i cobbled together from various sites 
> that didn't explain what any of this does, though for some of it i can 
> guess) is as follows:
> service ftp
> {
>         disable                 = no
>         flags                   = REUSE
>         socket_type             = stream
>         wait                    = no
>         user                    = root
>         #groups                 = yes
>         server                  = /usr/sbin/proftpd
>         log_on_success          += DURATION USERID
>         log_on_failure          += USERID
>         nice                    = 10
>         bind                    =
> }
> when i try to ftp in, i get "connection refused".
> any thoughts?

After creating this file, presumably  /etc/xinetd.d/proftpd ,
did you restart the server to reread those files?  
  /etc/init.d/xinetd restart  

Did you notice in /var/log/messages a line similar to
  xinetd[28075]: Started working: 4 available services
with a number equal to those services that you intend to have running?

	David A. De Graaf    DATIX, Inc.    Hendersonville, NC
	dad at datix.2y.net    (828) 696-8646;  fax (828) 694-1037

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