[ale] Older Laptops?

David Muse david.muse at firstworks.com
Thu Feb 24 10:48:02 EST 2005

There's a company called Microseconds that sells all kinds of used
PC equipment.  They buy old PC's too.  I've sold them tons of old crap
in the past.  They have a couple of locations, here's their website:

David Muse
david.muse at firstworks.com

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 10:04:43 -0500
Calvin Harrigan <charriglists at bellsouth.net> wrote:

>     Does anyone know where an older laptop might be bought locally?  
> Perhaps even with a broken lcd?  I looking for a new mythfrontend and
> a laptop say 600MHz or greater would be nice, as I said the lcd is 
> optional.  Do you have one you would like to sell? 
> Thanks!
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