[ale] Any Perl Gurus Out There?

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 24 07:23:23 EST 2005

The linux kernel will clean up defunct processes when it has time (low
priority).  Most likely your loop is "too tight" and injecting some
latency periods will help.  Try adding a "sleep 2;" at the bottom of
your loop.

-Jim P.

On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 06:43 -0500, Jonathan Glass wrote:
> I've written a little Perl script to monitor a log file and alert (in 
> this case, insert the flagged data into a DB) on a certain pattern.  The 
> parent process sits in an infinite loop watching the file, and whenever 
> the pattern is matched, a child process is forked to do the DB 
> insertion.  Anyone know the proper way to handle the death of all these 
> child processes?  If I run a 'ps -aef' on the box while the script is 
> running, I see dozens of '<defunct>' processes.
> Jonathan Glass
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