[ale] [Sorta OT] Thinkpad 600x TV out

Dow Hurst Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Fri Feb 11 01:31:56 EST 2005

The driver for the NM256ZX was not a bad piece of code at the time it 
was written but was not polished by any means.  The author might work on 
it for you if you send him your laptop or allow remote access.  ;-)  I 
had no problems with using it under SUSE 7.x but in 9.x it doesn't 
always load properly.  Many crashes/lockups on boot going straight to 
init 5 with xdm.  I believe since the chip controls sound and video that 
overlaps in memory space occur with the ALSA and video code.  Just my 
opinion due some experience troubleshooting a Dell Latitude CPt 333 last 

James P. Kinney III wrote:

>On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 11:03 -0500, Jason Day wrote:
>>A few months back, I got a thinkpad 600x from a surplus equipment
>>auction at work.  No manual or software, but gentoo installed on it just
>>fine.  I noticed a TV out connector on it, so I googled the part number
>>and bought a cable off of ebay.  Unfortunately, I can't get any signal
>>to the TV.  At this point, I don't know if the cable is bad, or if I'm
>>just not configuring the thinkpad properly.  I don't even know if the TV
>>out connector needs some proprietary windows-only software.
>>Does anybody have any experience with this?  Is there any way for me to
>>tell if the cable I bought is bad?
>I had a similar TP. A 600e (I belive). The s-video out is not on by
>default. It requires a special chunk of software to turn it on on. The
>default OS on those was Win98. There is a a Linux driver that will turn
>it on. I tested it nce and decided it really looked crappy on my TV.
>Check these links for some more info:
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>>Ale at ale.org

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