[ale] Webcrawlers can harvest ALE Archive E-mail Addresses

Matthew Brown matthew.brown at cordata.com
Thu Feb 10 12:53:04 EST 2005

Nicely made point.

Best Regards,

Matthew Brown
CorData, Inc. -- Linux solutions for business
o: 770-795-0089

On Feb 10, 2005, at 12:43 PM, Michael Hirsch wrote:

> understanding is that email addresses are so easy to harvest right
> now, that few harvesters bother trying to unobfuscate the email
> addresses.  I suspect that even something as stupid as replacing all
> '@'  symbols with ' AT ' in the archives would significantly reduce my
> spam.  Doing funky stuff with hex codes might work even better.
> Spammers know that using strange spellings and characters can fool
> many filters.  Similarly, I bet the same tricks would fool many
> spammers.
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