[ale] Alabama LUGFest 2005 update

Rick Green rgreen at salug.org
Mon Feb 7 22:49:32 EST 2005

Hello ALE members,

The Alabama LUGFest 2005 is fast approaching.  If you have not yet
registered, there is still time.  If you will be registering at the door,
please send me an email with the number of people you will be bringing
with you so we can have an adequate headcount.  The alabamalugfest.org
website has been updated and now includes a link to our tri-fold brochure
pdf file.  Print some out and post them at your local computer store,
library, etc.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.  I
am monitoring your mailing list, so you may email to this thread or to
myself directly.  I hope to see you soon!

Rick Green
Public Relations Officer
SALUG, Mobile

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