[ale] ifup problems, possible IPv6

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Thu Feb 3 14:35:27 EST 2005

Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-02-03 at 14:05 -0500, Geoffrey wrote:
>>Michael H. Warfield wrote:
>>>	The protocol module puts hooks too deep into the kernel protocol
>>>stacks.  It can not be removed at run time.  If you managed it somehow,
>>>by overriding the reference counter, I would expect random acts of
>>>terrorism to ensue.
>>I meant remove it prior to it being loaded. Add it to rc prior to 
>>network stuff.  My suggestion was simply a sure way it wouldn't get 
>>loaded again.
> 	Just reread your message and realized that there may be two meanings to
> those words.
> 	Did you mean "remove it" as in "remove it from the running kernel" or
> did you mean "remove it" as in "remove/delete it from the file system"?

yes, rm :)

> If the former, my prior comments stand.  If the later, all you need to
> do is delete it once and reboot.  It won't come back until the next
> kernel upgrade (is that why you suggested putting it in the rc file,
> maybe?).

Yes. :)

Until later, Geoffrey

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