[ale] Asterisk Success
Christopher Fowler
cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Thu Dec 29 17:54:58 EST 2005
I'm now installing Asterisk at Home. I've read the LJ article where it
states that the easiest way is to use the disti. I would have normally
used FC4 instead. Does anyone have any success stories for the Aeterisk
system? I may use it to manage many modems that I have installed in a
server. I'm looking to install a T1 board and I'll need many FXO ports
to run these modems. It would be nice if i could fine ATAs that would
support the modems then I would not really need so many FXO ports. At
E-Deltacomm we have a server with a 4 port modem board and I can that
that to 24ports. Instead of having 24 analog lines dropped in it would
be easier if I had one T1 line and then I could have the telco assign 24
individual numbers. I finally can pool my modems so I could have 4
modems to one number. With my own PBX I can easily add a modem to the
pool as demand increases. Without this I would be required to call the
phone company.
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