[ale] Find IP-address from MAC address

Mark Wright mpwright at speedfactory.net
Tue Aug 30 16:31:59 EDT 2005

I use nmap frequently to tell me what boxes I have on my network

nmap -sP

Will return a list off all the machines that are up on the specified  
network in that range.  Unless you have dozens of machines it ought  
to be easy to figure by elimination.


On Aug 30, 2005, at 1:05 PM, Michael B. Trausch wrote:

> Rene Rasmussen wrote:
>> Hello folks,
>> I just recently got my hands on a N-port server. The only trouble  
>> is I do not
>> know the IP address of the server, only the MAC address.
>> Do you know if it is possible to scan a network for a MAC address,  
>> and return
>> the IP-address of the unit?
> Best thing that I can think of is to try broadcast ping-ing the  
> standard
> Class A, B, and C private network addresses and see if you get an
> unaccounted for reply... you'll need a script to do that, and just  
> kick
> back and have a bag of popcorn and a cup of Pepsi.  :-/
>     - Mike
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