[ale] Scripting question
fletch at phydeaux.org
fletch at phydeaux.org
Fri Apr 22 00:33:07 EDT 2005
> I have a directory with 148 ppm image files named like so:
> aea_h6_2-4ns_v2.0037.ppm
> I want to copy each file four times incrementing the name for each of
> the four copies. So the file aea_h6_2-4ns_v2.0000.ppm is copied and
> renamed to the destination directory as:
> aea.0000.ppm
> aea.0001.ppm
> aea.0002.ppm
> aea.0003.ppm
for i in {0000..0148} ; do
for j in {1..4} ; do
cp aea.$i.ppm dst/aea.$( printf "%04d" $c ).ppm
(( c = c + 1 ))
Fletch | "If you find my answers frightening, __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org| Vincent, you should cease askin' \ o.O'
| scary questions." -- Jules =(___)=
| U
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