[ale] Acme::EyeDrops

Christopher Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Wed Apr 20 14:24:52 EDT 2005

I'm using Acme::EyeDrops to obfuscate some perl programs.  Someone here
suggested it a while back.  I'm having an issue with die.

[tomcat at localhost tmp]$ cat test.pl 
#!/opt/SAM/perl/bin/perl -I/opt/SAM/perl-lib

die "Exit!\n";

[tomcat at localhost tmp]$ ./test.pl 

I now use Acme::EyeDrops to convert to the camel shape

[tomcat at localhost tmp]$ ./test.pl 
[tomcat at localhost tmp]$ 

No die!

I found this out when I had die routines that would die if no ARGV[0] as
defined.  So I have no clue what the program is doing if it has no
ARGV[0].  I'm sure that it may die but I'm not seeing a message

Any ideas?

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