[ale] Wacky Mouse

Dow Hurst Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Mon Apr 18 22:38:22 EDT 2005

The release notes on the current version of X may help alot as the mouse 
drivers are usually described with whatever enhancements are available.  
It is a great resource for those with 7 button and 29 dial monstrosities 
on which two items actually work. ;)  You can map those buttons and 
dials and such once you explore a bit.
xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 6 7 3 2 4 5"
worked for a Microsoft Trackball Explorer on SuSE 9.0


David Corbin wrote:

>I posted this yesterday to gentoo-user, but I've not gotten much response, and 
>my laptop is largely unsusable, so I thought I'd ask here too.
>Today, my mouse has gone wacky.  Previously I had a fine working Gentoo/X11 
>system on my Dell I8600.  A week ago, upgraded my profile, and updated the 
>system, including switching to udev. I had no problem for the last week, so I 
>believe that all worked well.
>Today, I did another update ("emerge -uavD world"), and started to muck with 
>user-mode linux.  This did necessitate a rebuild of my kernel, and a reboot.  
>When I was done, my pointer is wacky.
>"Wacky" mean the pointer is largely "stuck" near the bottom left corner of the  
>display.   Any attempt to move it generates a great deal of flashing of the 
>pointer.  When I start X, the pointer appears dead center of the screen, 
>until I touch the touchpad at which point it jumps to the bottom left area of 
>the screen.
>I've reviewed what was emerged, and I don't think anything is likely to have 
>caused this problem.  I've tried changing my config to not use the synaptics 
>drive, but that had no effect.
>Any ideas?
>Ale mailing list
>Ale at ale.org

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