[ale] NTFSRESIZE (was ctr mtg)
fostermail at bellsouth.net
fostermail at bellsouth.net
Sat Apr 16 02:28:01 EDT 2005
not knowing your proclivity for r"g t m, I will mention if you don't already know that after resizing the partition you-all have to edit the table with fdisk so that other OS knows where the end of its data is. The resizing tool tells pretty accurately, [or it is easy to find out in sectors or units of blocksize what your resized part'n takes up.]
And recall that a 'u' within fdisk allows you to dispel worries that your partition increments aren't screwd up enough to work w/ Redmond (This does get complaints, but I don't think fatal, that part'ns don't end on cyl boundary.)
The other thing I know is that if you try to save your precious installation after purchasing a larger drive with, say pp, it won't go if XP was originally on a 40G and you want to only have a 60G in your upgraded machine. I haven't tried xfer with whole multiples of 40, or hex-base multiples of the original drive's cyls, but I bet if you get a coupla desktop (big header-plug-to little header plug & vcc) adapters, a laptop drive identical to your current, hook the whole thing up to an IDE ribbon, that XP won't mind at boot time that the SN of your storage, (which is less reliable mobile,) has changed.
I am cheered up that I thus verbosely use this list which is only used by people who utilize it, that I have wrekage, and I have met a deadline more recently than 1987.
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