[ale] WRT54G Firmware

vf5 at plm.gatech.edu vf5 at plm.gatech.edu
Thu Apr 14 23:21:26 EDT 2005

You have 2 easy options:

1) Trade-in for V2 hardware
2) Wait for SveaSoft "Talisman" firmware to come out, which of all
   the projects is I think most likely to be the first one to have
   functional V3 support. No, I have no idea when that is.

I guess the third not-so-easy option would be to beg and plead the
OpenWRT dev's to let you try out their builds for V3. Not public yet.
I really like OpenWRT a lot on my V2 units!

This V3 hardware change has really screwed over the WRT community badly.
Major chipset changes, and none of them presaged or released to the community
in advance or anything. It would have been great if Linksys had sent a few
dozen units out to the projects, but no they have had to wait and buy their
own units off the shelf like everyone else and try to port..

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