[ale] What happened to ALE South Meetings?

Byron A Jeff byron at cc.gatech.edu
Mon Apr 11 12:01:03 EDT 2005

On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 11:26:08AM -0400, Sergio Chaves wrote:
> It has been a long time since somebody asked about it :o)
> Is anybody still interested?

We have had the process moving here very slowly at Clayton.

In order to have meetings on campus, it requires an official
student organization. We have finally completed that process
be initiating a local ACM chapter.

I will forward the question to the local ACM powers that be,
and see about their response.

The original driver of that discussion, Eric Nichols, is
currently out of the loop due to a newborn in their family.
Hopefully he will rejoin the discussion at some point in time.


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