[ale] Makefile madness

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 8 11:05:59 EDT 2005

I'm looking for some Makefile advice.  In my Makefile I have a target
setup to build some perl modules in a non-standard directory.

At the top of the Makefile there is this definition:

PERL_MODS=DBD-Oracle-1.16 IO-Tty-1.02 IO-Stty-.02 Expect-1.15 \
      Parse-RecDescent-1.94 XML-SAX-0.12 SOAP-Lite-0.60 \
      XML-NamespaceSupport-1.08 XML-Simple-2.14 XML-Parser-2.34

Here is the target to build the Perl modules:
        find perl_mods -name Makefile.old -exec rm {} \;
        for F in ${PERL_MODS}; do \
           cd perl_mods/$$F; ${PERL} Makefile.PL \
               PREFIX=/home/jimpop/perl5 ; make install; cd $(PWD) ; \

The issue I am having is that "make perl_mods" reports that perl_mods is
up to date even though the destination directory /home/jimpop/perl5
doesn't exist.  I want to add some dependencies to the perl_mods target,
but I don't want to add a make target for each Perl module.  Any ideas
on what to do?


-Jim P.

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