[ale] OT Thunderbird

Michael B. Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Sat Apr 2 09:09:05 EST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Jim Lynch wrote:

> I've looked at the Mozilla site and didn't find any know problems, but
> when I start up thrunderbird it asks me if I want to work online or
> offline with a message that says if I want to work offline I can go
> online via the file menu.
> I don't see an option in the file menu, but then I always work online. 
> I've got dsl and the option "direct connect" is set in the advanced
> section of the options.
> This is a Win98SE system.
> How to I get rid of that message?  I'm running 0.9 which seems to be the
> recommended one.
> Thanks,
> Jim.

Hrm.  It's probably a bug with that particular combination.  I know that
Mozilla and FF have sparrodic problems on Win9x systems, as well.  I
only know this because a friend of mine used to use them on one until
they finally managed to upgrade to Windows 2000.

I only use XP (at work) and 2k/Linux (at home), and I don't have those
issues... so other then that, I can't be much help.  You could try to
submit a bug report, but I doubt that the developers are going to try to
obtain a copy of Win98 to test on... nobody really supports it anymore.

	- Mike

- --
Michael B. Trausch                               <fd0man at gmail.com>
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