[ale] How can I delete this file?

Mark Shewmaker mark at primefactor.com
Thu Sep 9 17:05:12 EDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 11:06, David A. De Graaf wrote:
> What I failed to emphasize is that find has a slew of other
> exclusionary rules that allow you to select a particular file.
> You need not use a regular expression in the -name <RE> option.
> You can base the selection on date, size, owner, etc., or various
> combinations.

You forgot what's often the best one of all for this kind of problem: 
Looking for a specific inode with -inum.

>   Use any method that ultimately selects just that one file
> and then add the -exec rm {} \;  and the job is done.

Mark Shewmaker
mark at primefactor.com

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