[ale] SpamAssassin Recipies...

Jay Finch retief at larp.com
Sun Oct 31 15:48:08 EST 2004

Hey everyone!

I seem to recall a few months ago that someone mentioned "training" 
their SpamAssassin installation with some good spam to make it 
stronger.  I vaguely recall someone posting the file (or a link to it) 
so we all could auto-train our own installations.  Sadly, I can't find 
the original message.  (And I searched through both the on-line archives 
as well as my personal E-mail archive, which goes back to 2002)

Does anyone recall this?  Can anyone help?  I just updated to SA 3.0.1, 
and want to increase the strength of my anti-spam measures for my users.

Thanks in advance!

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