[ale] Fedora Core 2 Updates

Brian J. Dowd bdowd at dentfirst.com
Mon Oct 11 12:04:25 EDT 2004

I have not tried this but ...
in the yum.conf file there are sections which provide repository URLs 
for yum to search for updated headers and files. After the line which 
starts with "baseurl" below, insert in the path to your CDROM
such as file:///dev/cdrom/redhat/fedora/linux/core/$releasever/$basearch/os
or whatever the proper device and directory is on your CD. Be sure to 
update the "[base]", "[base-debuginfo]"  and other sections.
You should not have to revert these changes to the yum.conf file when 
you are done (so that you can continue to get the newest updates the 
next time) as long as you don't keep the CD in the tray. Yum is smart 
enough to try the next useable repository (which would be hiwaay.net 
online in the example below) in that case.
Good luck!


name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Base
Christopher Fowler wrote:

>I've downloaded and burned the FC2 DVD.  I want to download all the
>current updates and place them on DVD because when I run yum and
>download over http it is too slow.  Is there a way I can tell yum
>be command line or /etc/yum.conf to look at my update DVD for the
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