[ale] Ways to script a web browser session

Dylan Northrup docx at io.com
Mon Oct 4 23:41:16 EDT 2004

A long time ago, (04.10.04), in a galaxy far, far away, Jeff Hubbs wrote:

:=I'm needing to automate some extensive interaction with a Web site.
:=I need to be able to enter a username and password, hit links. fill in
:=form fields, initiate a file download, and give the downloaded file a
:=name of my choosing.
:=Is telnet to port 80 and expect the way to go, or is there a better
:="industrially correct" way?

I'd use Perl and LWP.  I've automated access to some of my own CGI
applications using this.  Works pretty darned well.

Dylan Northrup - docx at io.com - http://www.io.com/~docx/
"Harder to work, harder to strive, hard to be glad to be alive, but it's 
 really worth it if you give it a try." -- Cowboy Mouth, 'Easy'

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