[ale] SuSE bloated appearance

fostermail at bellsouth.net fostermail at bellsouth.net
Sat Oct 2 23:20:51 EDT 2004

I put Slackware on the Aptiva the guy across the street gave me, (to install w2k on, eventually, I determined, on 2/6G,) but since some kde and d-series tarballs were corrupt, and since [i couldn't find | had to study to install] grub on this 'ticket' on the install CD and onto the hdd,

I decided, "hey, not my reader, or miles, just get my 'great unraveling, 'or' HW of Staggering Genius' and lay those SusE CD's on the thing, (which install GRUB on the rootpart'm, in order that my neighbor comfortably encounters the MS boot menu. [ linux.bin = 512b / ] BUT 

It is so sssssssslooow.

can I wipe out the whole rc.d directory? What if I slap another drive in this unit,, install the cl slackware, and then overlay the entire /etc contents?

"To my Volkswagon" -- obviously the thought of one best suited to teaching 6-year-olds, or, perhaps, being taken to a landfill and dealt with via full firing squad

TIA fostermail

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