[ale] Re: Fedora clarification

J.M. Taylor jtaylor at onlinea.com
Fri May 21 15:59:55 EDT 2004

I did not mean to imply that RH's Fedora isn't stable when it is
running...that was a poor choice of words.  But as a new product, its
development will be in flux and there are sure to be a wealth of gotchas,
especially for people like myself who refuse to use package management and
so wind up tracking down the latest place they decided to put lib_whatever
which is different from the last release.

I am simply trying to weight gotchas from RH against gotchas from FreeBSD 
(I agree about Tao...way too one-guy's-project for me).  

It seems that they are equally valid choices, so I will probably go with 
FreeBSD for the challenge of it, and let Fedora's development shake out a 

Thanks again for all the input,

Jenn Taylor
jtaylor at onlinea.com

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