[ale] Getting around blocking software

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon May 10 19:37:12 EDT 2004

Ryan Williams wrote:
>> Then configure her browser to use localhost as a SOCKSv4 proxy.  This
>> assumes, of course, that outbound ssh connections aren't blocked.
>> Also make sure you know what her office security policy is.  It would
>> really suck for her to get fired for unauthorized computer use.
> Even if SSH isn't blocked, I know they would freak out if she were found 
> using SSH. I was hoping for a way to have her just access it via http or 
> https... just mask the domain/IP from their filters for this one 
> particular website.

If they'd freak if they found her using ssh, what do you think they 
would do if she attempted to 'mask' the ip as you've suggested.  I think 
you're walking a very thin line here.  Is it worth the risk?  Ask them 
to permit the access if it's harmless enough.  It is her employer, so 
it's their final word.

Until later, Geoffrey                     Registered Linux User #108567
Building secure systems in spite of Microsoft

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