[ale] Speed comparison

Calvin Harrigan charriglists at bellsouth.net
Wed Mar 31 21:16:59 EST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Fowler" <cfowler at outpostsentinel.com>
To: <ale at ale.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:05 PM
Subject: [ale] Speed comparison

> I'm looking at buying a special system that will only take P4's. I would
> prefer an AMD.  How does a 2.4GHZ Celeron compare to an XP-2400?
> Thanks,
> Chris

It does not, the P4s, especially the celerons are dogs.  I have a 1.8 GHz
celeron and I swear my 800 MHz Athlon runs rings around it.
I've been underwhelmed by the p4 since there were introduced.  Any processor
that is slower per clock tick than the previous generation has something
dreadfully wrong.  If you must do P4, get a real one, not the celeron.


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