[ale] Mutt upgrade to 1.5.6, lost color tree

Allan Neal allanneal at bellsouth.net
Wed Mar 31 14:48:37 EST 2004

I recently did an emerge -u world.  This upgraded my mutt to ver 1.5.6
from 1.4.x.  I use the sort threads and had red pointers for the thread
tree.  The line in my .muttrc is "color tree red default".  All other
colors work just fine but this one shows up the default white/grey.

What do I need to do to get the tree color back?

 __^__                                          __^__
( ___ )----------------------------------------( ___ )
 | / | "Engineers aren't boring people,         | \ |
 | / | we just get excited about boring things" | \ |
 |___|                 --Anon                   |___|
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