[ale] {Spam?} spam flood

Jerald Sheets jsheets at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 31 10:18:51 EST 2004

I'm doing something similar...

I let Yahoo keep my Bulk (I have POP access) and only download what
doesn't get caught.  (I check it before expunging).

Ten, in Outlook I use AVG for irus scanning, and a little product called
"SpamBayes".  It works with Outlook and OE, I think, and I've been
training it for about a month now.  I get about 2 or 3 emails a day in
my inbox that I don't want.  Nice little system.  It was some doing to
set up, but I just don't mess with it anymore.


-----Original Message-----
From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On Behalf Of Dow
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:00 AM
To: David S. Jackson; Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
Subject: Re: [ale] {Spam?} spam flood

Thanks for the reply!  I think having someone like Bob Toxen manage the
rules would be really nice.  His service isn't exorbitant once you count
the hours spent sorting email or dealing with the rulesets yourself.
One way 
or another, either using Earthlink "block by default" or a managed
that I or someone tweaks rulesets for is about the only workable
solution for 
those whose email is really out there in the wild.

David S. Jackson wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 10:39:26AM -0500 Dow Hurst 
> <dhurst at kennesaw.edu> wrote:
>>I am beginning a small project to get all the emails I receive from 
>>into my
>>online address book at Earthlink.  After I get that done, I am
switching to 
>>blocking email by default unless it matches an email in my address
>>That is the highest level of blocking that Earthlink offers.  The only

>>problem with this is having to check the "Suspect Email" folder for
>>new emails.  But that is minor in my opinion now.  It is a "Drop by 
>>default" instead of "Allow by default" policy which is probably best
>>just like in firewalling, print servers, and so on.
> FWIW, Earthlink spam controls are what I do now also.  I get about 
> 1500 emails a day, and usually between 500 and a 1000 emails are 
> garbage.  At least their tool helps you whittle it down some.  I'm 
> sure there must be a science to making spam assassin work really 
> effectively, but I was still winding up with 500+ unknowns I'd have to

> look at.  The "suspect" folder usually has about 5 or less false 
> positives.  At least I can dispose of them without having to process 
> them anymore...

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