[ale] Networking problem.

David Corbin dcorbin at machturtle.com
Thu Mar 25 20:31:20 EST 2004

On Thursday 25 March 2004 11:08, michael d. ivey wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 06:21:40AM -0500, David Corbin wrote:
> > [dcorbin at matrix /var/log] cat /etc/resolv.conf
> > nameserver
> > domain machturtle.com corbin.machturtle.com
> Reading from 'man 5 resolv.conf'
>        domain Local domain name.  Most queries for names within this domain
> can use  short  names  relative  to  the  local domain.   If  no domain
> entry is present, the domain is determined from the local host name
> returned by geth- ostname(); the domain part is taken to be everything
> after the first `.'.  Finally, if the host name does not contain a domain
> part, the root domain is assumed.
>        search Search  list  for  host-name  lookup.   The search list is
>               normally determined from the local domain name; by default,
> it contains only the local domain name.  This may be changed by listing the
> desired  domain search path  following  the  search keyword with spaces or
> tabs separating the names.
>        The  domain and search keywords are mutually exclusive.  If more
> than one instance of these keywords is present, the last instance wins.
> Basically, you should be using 'search' instead of 'domain' ... you
> may or may not want to list corbin.machturtle.com first, as well.

Thanks.  All better now.  Should have known better.
David Corbin <dcorbin at machturtle.com>

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