[ale] Great ALE Picnic

Michael D. Hirsch mhirsch at nubridges.com
Tue Mar 23 23:15:47 EST 2004

The great ALE picnic lived up to it's name.  Charles showed off his BIG 
GREEN EGG and told us all how Atlanta was the world Big Green Egg 
headquarters.  We also got an impromptu fire juggling act.  I think he 
used ColdFile.  hehe.

It was an interesting and compatible mix of ALErs and nuBridgites in 
attendence.  The food was awesome--especially the BBQ cow flesh.  The 
bird was good, but the beef was incredible.  People tell me the homebrew 
(not Charles', but someone else's) was tasty.  And all the side dishes 
were good, too.

If you weren't there, kick yourself.

Thanks, Charles.  And thanks to Judy for putting up with us quite 


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