[ale] Can you point me in a good direction

Walter Sams wsams at southernlink.net
Tue Mar 23 16:16:27 EST 2004

not really a "Linux" question  but... :)

I am having trouble with the KDE address book.  The phone number 
boxes in the contact edit screen do not seem to "stick" when 
I put a number in. IE  if I assign a number to fax and using the drop
down list for placing the numbers tell a box to display the 
fax number and save it, I find that when I close the program and
come back to that contact, the phone number will not be in the
box where I put it.  It is still stored in the phone number list
just not on the main contact edit screen.  

I tried contacting the KDE help line at kde.org, but so far 
no one has been able to respond.  

Can anyone suggest possible cures or another kde  help list to turn to?
Is there an online source of documentation for kde that is better than 
the help files that pop up from the help line?

we use kde 3.1.0 on a mandrake 9.1 os

Thank you
Walter Sams

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