[ale] OT: tech support hell at Mindspring--followup

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Mar 22 12:15:36 EST 2004

Thanks for all the good advice!  I have a domain name I've been sitting on 
that I can work with.  I've not worked at making my home setup as useable or 
robust as it could be.  So, I'll look at the possibilities outlined here and 
make a decision.  I think switching directly to where I want to go is the best 
  move.  Keeping the old email alive for a while is an excellent idea.  Using 
the domain name is something I've put on the back burner but is an excellent 
way to avoid these problems.

I've had www.nols.com as the DNS service for the domain name.  They offer all 
services mentioned.

Hursthaven.org is the domain name I've kept a hold of.

Thanks again,

Dow Hurst wrote:
> Jim,
> How are you dealing with your legacy email address that others might 
> know? Plus, how long did it take to move all your listservs and 
> subscriptions over to the new email?  A full day to work thru all of 
> it?  I am just curious since I am seriously planning a switchover and 
> making a list so I don't forget any login that might be needing to send 
> email to the new address.
> Think about it:
> Phone company
> Credit card companies
> Every site you've bought from
> Every software package you've registered for
> Listservs
> and so on.
> My list is getting too long for comfort.
> Dow
> Jim Philips wrote:
>> Okay. I made the switch to Speedfactory...although that wasn't without 
>> incident. At first, I couldn't get my NIC to talk to their modem, no 
>> way, no how. I even tried plugging in the old modem. The NIC talked to 
>> it fine. I even drove out to Speedfactory's office and got them to 
>> switch out the modem. When nothing was working, I decided as a last 
>> ditch attempt to switch out all of the cables, ethernet and phone. Ta 
>> da! That did it. The same cables that worked fine with my other modem 
>> wouldn't work with this one. Go figure. Anyway, it's a big relief not 
>> only to dump Mindspring, but to dump PPP and PPPoE. DHCP is so easy.
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