[ale] Dns Port Problems

george roman thewolfro at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 21 20:42:32 EST 2004

Hi I'm using Debian Woody, and i configured a master
DNS server on my network. It suposed to transfer
the master zone to my ISP but it doesn't.
i've tried to investigate my problem from a station
situated on the
internet to see what happends. i mention that tried to
configure a 
DNS server on my local network and it works (the zone
transfer ocured).

the -x.y.z.t is my ip located on the internet
    - is my local computer

in /var/log/syslog i see only the logs from my
firewall that i named (DNS-in for the INPUT chain and
DNS-out for the output chain) but as i mentioned i can
see in netstat only the TCP SYN flag when i try telnet
from the outside (from x.y.x.t) no established
conection but i have an outgoing packet logged with
the firewall (with tcpdump i olso see an outgoing
packet from the dns server

this is tcpdump from DNS when i tried to connect to
prt 53 from x.y.z.t:

03:36:10.077870 x.y.z.t.sa-msg-port > ns..domain: 
S1532033272:1532033272(0) win 5840 <mss
1460,sackOK,timestamp 25289352 0,nop,wscale 0>
(DF)[tos 0x10]
03:36:10.078383 ns..domain > x.y.z.t.sa-msg-port: 
S1617471727:1617471727(0) ack 1532033273 win 5792 <mss
1460,sackOK,timestamp 1387905 25289352,nop,wscale
03:36:13.077295 x.y.z.t.sa-msg-port > ns..domain: 
S1532033272:1532033272(0) win 5840 <mss
1460,sackOK,timestamp 25292352 0,nop,wscale 0>
(DF)[tos 0x10]
03:36:13.077711 ns..domain > x.y.z.t.sa-msg-port: 
S1617471727:1617471727(0) ack 1532033273 win 5792 <mss
1460,sackOK,timestamp 1388205 25289352,nop,wscale
03:36:13.328501 ns..domain > x.y.z.t.sa-msg-port: 
S1617471727:1617471727(0) ack 1532033273 win 5792 <mss
1460,sackOK,timestamp 1388231 25289352,nop,wscale

this is the firewall log for the same conection

Mar 21 03:41:23 ns kernel:
DNS-IN:--log-ip-optionsIN=eth2 OUT= 
SRC=x.y.z.t DST=<my DNS IP> LEN=60 TOS=0x10
PREC=0x00TTL=62 ID=48210 DF 
WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 

Mar 21 03:41:23 ns kernel: DNS-OUT:--log-ip-optionsIN=
OUT=eth2 SRC=<my 
DST=x.y.z.t LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0
DPT=1647 WINDOW=5792 RES=0x00 ACK SYN
URGP=0 OPT (020405B40402080A0015A80B0186AC0701030300)

these are my options in maned.conf

options {
        directory "/var/cache/bind";
        auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
        allow-query {; ISP 1-st DNS IP;
ISP 2-nd dns IP; x.y.z.t;;};
        allow-transfer { ISP 1-st DNS IP; ISP 2-nd dns
IP ;; x.y.z.t;  };
        transfer-source ISP 1-st DNS IP;
        notify-source ISP 1-st DNS IP;
        transfer-format many-answers;
        listen-on port 53 {external IP;;; };

- is my local computer on witch i tried
to configure a slave zone to see if the zone transfer
happends (it works)

-x.y.z.t is my ip located on the internet

this is the result of nmap started from my local
workstation(, when the DNS...server had
no firewall(/etc/init.d/iptables clear)

Port       State       Service
9/tcp      open        discard
13/tcp     open        daytime
22/tcp     open        ssh
23/tcp     open        telnet
25/tcp     open        smtp
37/tcp     open        time
53/tcp     open        domain
80/tcp     open        http
110/tcp    open        pop-3
111/tcp    open        sunrpc
113/tcp    open        auth
199/tcp    open        smux
2401/tcp   open        cvspserver

this is the result of nmap started from the station
situated on the internet(x.y.z.t), when the DNS
..server had no firewall(/etc/init.d/iptables clear)

Port       State       Service
9/tcp      open        discard
13/tcp     open        daytime
22/tcp     open        ssh
23/tcp     open        telnet
25/tcp     open        smtp
37/tcp     open        time
53/tcp     filtered    domain
67/tcp     filtered    dhcp
80/tcp     open        http
110/tcp    open        pop-3
111/tcp    open        sunrpc
113/tcp    open        auth
119/tcp    filtered    nntp
135/tcp    filtered    loc-srv
137/tcp    filtered    netbios-ns
138/tcp    filtered    netbios-dgm
139/tcp    filtered    netbios-ssn
161/tcp    filtered    snmp
162/tcp    filtered    snmptrap
199/tcp    open        smux
445/tcp    filtered    microsoft-ds
2401/tcp   open        cvspserver

this is the result of nmap started from the station
situated on the internet(x.y.z.t), when the DNS
..server had the firewall activated (but with
"iptables -A INPUT -s x.y.z.t -j ACCEPT)

Port       State       Service
9/tcp      open        discard
13/tcp     open        daytime
22/tcp     open        ssh
23/tcp     open        telnet
25/tcp     open        smtp
37/tcp     open        time
53/tcp     filtered    domain
67/tcp     filtered    dhcp
80/tcp     open        http
110/tcp    open        pop-3
111/tcp    open        sunrpc
113/tcp    open        auth
119/tcp    filtered    nntp
135/tcp    filtered    loc-srv
137/tcp    filtered    netbios-ns
138/tcp    filtered    netbios-dgm
139/tcp    filtered    netbios-ssn
161/tcp    filtered    snmp
162/tcp    filtered    snmptrap
199/tcp    open        smux
411/tcp    open        rmt
445/tcp    filtered    microsoft-ds
1026/tcp   filtered    nterm
1030/tcp   filtered    iad1
2401/tcp   open        cvspserver

this is the result of nmap started from the station
situated on the internet, when the DNS ..server had
the firewall activated (but without iptables -A INPUT
-s x.y.z.t -j ACCEPT )     ^^^^^^^

Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA31 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
it can't scan my ports because I  have a rule against

next i tried to configure a dns slave on x.y.z.t

and on the slave dns logs i see this message:

Mar 21 03:57:26.590 zone my.zone/IN: refresh: failure
trying master <my master dns IP>#53: timed out

there is no surprise for me since the 53's port is not

do i have to confirure something special in my dns
options to have 
at mai 53 port?

please help
and 10x for your time


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