[ale] Low-end tapedrives for SOHO environment

Bjorn Dittmer-Roche bjorn at sccs.swarthmore.edu
Sat Mar 20 09:26:08 EST 2004

On Sat, 20 Mar 2004 griffisb at bellsouth.net wrote:

> The sticky part comes in when I think of doing backups at church. The
> PC's are used by multiple people, and have been used for several years.
> Some original CDs (and licenses) are around. A lot just can no longer be
> located. That would be a bear to sort through the desktops.

I really think regular Ghosting to CD or hard drive plus manual backups of
important stuff that changes a lot is the best solution for a situation
like this. I always ghost PCs I manage even if there are other solutions
in place, such as legado. Ghost is cheap, easy and doesn't take a rocket
scientist to dump or restore. If volatile data is on a seperate partition,
then this solution becomes even easier and more reliable.


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