[ale] Teletubbie background?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Mar 19 06:11:35 EST 2004

Robert L. Harris wrote:
> I'm stuck using XP for a project in school.  Luckily I can run it in 
> VMWare (I love that program).
> My wife looked at it and saw the default background since I just 
> finished setting it up and asked "what's with the teletubby 
> background"...
> A year or so ago I saw a picture that basically was the XP background
>  with the teletubby house and some of them in it.  Any chance anyone
> know the pic and has a copy of it?

You're mistaken.  Look a bit closer and you'll see it's actually Bill 
Gates, Steve Balmer and Darl McBride on the Microsoft Campus.

Until later, Geoffrey                     Registered Linux User #108567
Building secure systems in spite of Microsoft

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