[ale] Secure NFS

Kevin O'Neill Stoll kevinostoll at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 16 12:59:40 EST 2004

Exactly what Dow has just detailed is what I do for my
laptop at work. Except I use a samba mount from one of my
samba servers on the default share on my windows laptop.
Then I rsync a couple of specific directories where I store
all of my work. 

I works very well and has saved me a couple of times thus

--- Dow Hurst <dhurst at kennesaw.edu> wrote:
> Rsync via ssh is much better for what you really want
> which is a backup of 
> your data.  You could tunnel NFS thru a VPN but I
> wouldn't want to deal with 
> the overhead.  When you get home at night, hook up the
> laptop to the home 
> network and then at 3am an rsync could run to backup your
> data.  That could be 
> done without SSH if your machines are firewalled.
> Dow
> Emil P. Man wrote:
> > ALErs,
> > 
> > I recently had a failure on my laptop; the reiserfs
> tree got messed up 
> > on my laptop. I want to protect myself somewhat from
> this happening 
> > again, especially since I have a lot of important
> school work on this 
> > laptop. Also, I do some work from my home desktop and I
> would like to 
> > keep documents synchonized. On the synban.com server I
> have a tape 
> > back-up drive that will help me do backups of this
> stuff. So what I 
> > would like to do is export an NFS directory from the
> server and mount 
> > that dir on my laptop and the desktop. This way I can
> backup that 
> > directory once a week with a cron job and also keep my
> stuff well 
> > synchronized.
> > Now, I would like to give access to this NFS shared
> directory to my home 
> > network which will be easy enough. The problem comes
> with giving access 
> > to the KSU domain to that NFS directory. If I give
> read/write access to 
> > all the KSU domain (b/c my IP on the laptop changes
> constantly), this is 
> > a security risk. Any ideas on how I can give access to
> myself from 
> > outside to NFS? How can I accomplish my goal? Can LDAP
> help me in this 
> > situation? I have learned the basics of LDAP but I have
> never actually 
> > implemented it. If this will solve my dilema, I will go
> more in-depth 
> > and learn LDAP.
> > 
> > Yours,
> > Emil
> > 
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Kevin Stoll

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