[ale] OT: Laptops.

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Mar 15 05:59:12 EST 2004

Nathan J. Underwood wrote:
> I'd like to know too.  I used to have a Dell C800 (think that's the 
> right model), and now have a D810 (with the widescreen).  I'm a big fan 
> of most Dell hardware, but I'd love to find one that didn't require a M$ 
> tax, but still good quality.

It's difficult to find a laptop that you don't in someway pay the M$ 
tax.  Even with some of the models from Emperor Linux, they can't get 
them without the M$ software, but they'll rebuild the system without it. 
  You can check out the 'laptops - No OS' link at price watch:


Until later, Geoffrey                     Registered Linux User #108567
Building secure systems inspite of Microsoft

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